Courses for Health Care Practitioners and Parents

Cranial Facial Distortions and their Impact on Childhood Development

We at the Peak Potential Institute are looking forward to adding a new dimension to the Institute.  Along with our book It’s All in the Head, we are offering a series of new courses to parents, other health care providers and those concerned with childhood development.

Our newest course, Cranial Facial Distortions and Their Impact on Childhood Development, will offer you a look into cranial anatomy and physiology, common distortion patterns and developmental issues as well as, the importance of neurological milestones and primitive reflexes in childhood development.

With over 80 years of combined clinical experience and parents of two daughters, Drs. Rosen and Watson will guide you through the intricate world of pediatric development so that you can make the best choices for your children.

The Institute is excited to announce our next premier online program:

Cranial Facial Distortions - Impact on Childhood Development

Have you ever noticed something developmentally different about a child but your concerns fell on deaf ears?

It is not until the situation becomes obvious that proper intervention is recommended. Knowing before the situation or condition escalates is paramount to achieving a more efficient, less stressful (both to the child and family) resolution.

It is important to note that these developmental “glitches”, while they may be common, are not normal and can affect proper neurological development (milestones, primal reflexes, and pre-programmed feedback loops).  They can also  manifest as only mild symptoms early in life and progress to more severe ones as the child reaches age 4 or 5.

If you are a concerned parent or a pediatric healthcare provider,

this class will offer you a new window to look through.

  • Is the child reaching their developmental milestones on time?
  • Do they overreact in stressful situations?
  • Do they have problems relating to their peers?
  • Do they get frustrated easily?
  • Is feeding and nursing a difficult and stressful process?
  • Are they unable to calm themselves and appear to be in pain or discomfort after eating/feeding?
  • Are their sleep patterns inconsistent?
Cranial Facial Distortions and their Impact on Childhood Development

Much has been written about milestones and primitive reflexes and their effect on developmental potential. What we are offering to you is the missing link to optimal childhood development - the effects of cranial and facial distortions on human potential.

In this ONLINE program Drs. Rosen and Watson will walk you through an understanding of normal childhood growth and development and the structural distortion patterns to look for that may be signs of developmental challenges.

We know that the potential of the child is huge. All parents want their children to have the best opportunity to realize that potential. 

The course format will give you a step-by-step guide to understand what influences, or patterns, may be signs of underlying developmental issues facing your child and what you can do to support them. 

This course will help parents and health care practitioners use the child’s precious early years to the fullest.

You will receive 10 modules over a 3-month period.

“As a mom and nana, I see on social media so often parents and grandparents looking for answers concerning their infants and honestly not getting many good responses. Everything from tongue ties to latch to misshapen skulls to the baby being developmentally delayed. It breaks my heart and with what seems like an epidemic of infant struggles, someone should be asking the question “why?”, “where is all of this coming from?”, and “what can be done about it?”
Drs. Rosen and Watson are doing this in their online series focused on teaching the average person about what is going on and how babies are supposed to function, grow, and develop naturally. Each individual module is focused on understanding and recognizing how our babies are supposed to develop and function, how to recognize early when something isn’t quite right, and what we can do to seek help for our children!
Nothing like this has been done before, focusing on empowering parents and grandparents with information that can be easily used to achieve the best for our babies while teaching us what truly is natural and normal for our children to experience and when they are supposed to have those experiences.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to understand more about their little ones’ development in an easily understandable and digestible format.
Christine  (mom to 4, grandmother to 3)

“After reading the book, It’s All in the Head, which I found helpful in so many ways, this thought came to mind.  How wonderful to have you, the authors, teach a course based on this book for those of us outside the chiropractic profession. To have class discussion online with visual aids (photos, videos, and detailed diagrams) will further imprint the necessary pointers to look for as a lay person.  I believe many people will benefit from this as they could then learn in even more detail all this important information.” 

Fran (mom of 2, grandmother to 3)

Take a look at what we’ll cover …

Class 1 - The Structures Beneath

Learning about the structures that protect your child’s growing brain can give you a new window into their development.

Class 3 - The Nervous System

How does this intricate system and all its components work?

Class 5 – Milestones and Primitive Reflexes

The core of your child’s neurological development.

Class 7 – Tongue-Tie

What is it, how to determine if your child has it, what to
do about it?

Class 9 – What’s Wrong with this Face?

What is common, what is normal and the visual
guidelines and developmental cues to look for.

Class 2 - The Developing Brain

Understanding the miracle of neurological growth.

Class 4 – Dural Meningeal System

The protective layer around the brain and spinal cord. Why is this important?

Class 6 - The Shape of Things

A look at common cranial facial distortion patterns.

Class 8 – Torticollis

Why does a child’s head seem to tilt to one side with a restricted neck motion?

Class 10 – What Can You Do?

When and where to seek help if you have questions or concerns.

 “It’s All in the Head is a must have book for not only chiropractors, but also for parents and anyone working with children. It is exciting to know that now there is a course for everyone to engage with 2 of the leading pediatric chiropractors who wrote the book. This class offers an opportunity to delve into the world of human potential from a salutogenic viewpoint. The information is insightful and gives clear meaning to what is common versus what is normal in your child’s development. You will gain a better understanding of your child’s developmental processes. It answers many questions including why and how cranial distortions affect not only structure but neurological function as well.”

R.A.S. (childhood educator)